Tag Archive | light

Detanfy’s Best of Music #15 – 11

First things first!

If you missed my list from the previous days, shame on you, but dont worry I wont judge, you can check my list from Monday HERE or My Tuesday list HERE.

Now that we are all caught up, lets get this underway, My #15 – 11 favorite songs of 2010 are….

Beautiful Feeling by Paul Kelly. You can not begin to understand how much I love this song and how important to me it is. This song and I have a long history. I am Captain Ahab and this song is my White Whale/Moby-Dick or at least it was until recently.

I can dictate the story of how I discovered this song to you, I remember everything in excruciating detail but I’ll just give you guys a quick summary.

It was in Nigeria, about 5 years ago, on a Saturday night, I had just finished watching my favorite show at the time “Stargate Sg-1” and I was waiting to watch the next show called “The L word” . If you know what that show is, do I really need to tell you why I wanted to watch it? I liked the ummn..acting.

Instead of my weekly dose of lesbian erotica/masturbatory aid, what came next was this show called Fireflies. Fireflies is an Australian tv drama about a bunch of firemen and their personal lives and the trouble they are going through during a very hot and fire prune Australian summer. Being a sucker for a good drama, I decided to watch the show and then the theme song came on and I heard the words “…such a beautiful feeling…”, at that moment I jizzed in my pants (so much for The L word uh?).

I had never heard such a sweet sounding song in m life. Even though it only lasted about 1 minute, I loved it! I cherished that 1 minute I would hear that song every subsequent Saturday night.

Once I became internet savvy/moved to yankee, I started searching for that song, I looked for it at least once every 2 months or any other time I remembered but I couldn’t find it, until earlier this year, when I discovered the name of the artist…Paul Kelly.

The man is one of Australia’s foremost singer/song writers, he has been making music since the 70’s and is still going strong. This man is truly a legend. I was eventually able to learn the name of the album the song comes from and I was eventually able to obtain the song, just that one song, it took me about 5 good years just to find this song. When I played the full 5 minute version of the song, for lack of a better term, it was a beautiful feeling.

The song itself is magnificent. Its not a love song, its THE love song. When I find my Wifey, this will be “our” song. This song just makes me happy, not just because of the effort I went through to find it, but also because of the song itself. This is a lovers song. If you are in a relationship and it is PERFECT, this is a song for you.

I love this song.

A big thank you to Paul Kelly for crafting this master piece of a song and giving me such a beautiful feeling. I doubt he will ever know how much this song means to me.

The song is extremely rare, so all I have for you to listen to is the original 1 minute version, hope you dont mind…Listen HERE

what the hell, I’m in a giving mood

You can download the full song HERE

Who Dat? its Jermaine Lamarr Cole more commonly known as J. Cole

Probably the best new MC in the game right now.

My relationship with J. Cole and his music dates back a while. One of my friends is J. Cole’s biggest fan. He tweets about Cole constantly. I was curious, I had heard about this J.Cole fellow before, and I wanted to know what he was all about. My friend recommended  that I listen to Cole’s “The Warm up”, but even though I downloaded the mixtape, I never listened to it.

Fast forward to summer 2010, there was a house party, I was slightly inebriated and talking to this one girl, she told me she wanted to start rapping and she wanted to be like Nikci Minaj, and she started playing this beat by that waka flocka dude and rapping to it, I asked the girl why she was listening to such a wack rapper and I shared my thoughts on how rap now a days is crappy and has no substance. She said “it aint dat bad,  least we still got J. Cole” and she proceeded to play Cole’s single “Who Dat” and well, what can I say, I was blown away in seconds….

“Now a nigga hot enough to fuck with one of Satan hoes”

Since then I became a fan of J. Cole. I listened to The Warm up and I listened to his recently released Friday Night lights. I honestly don’t know if this post is about “Who Dat” specifically or J. Cole’s entire discography. The man is a beast, he is smart, not just street smart, but book smart too, this guy got himself a quality education and he had to pay for most of it by himself. He has been through so much shit from day 1 and he never let it get him down. The man’s songs are filled with so many nuggets of wisdom, I don’t even know where to start.

J. Cole is a shining star. His music tells stories.

Is he “The one”? The only rapper that can save hip hop? to be honest, I couldn’t care less, I’m just happy listening to his music and I hope he continues on this path.

Listen to Who Dat HERE

I strongly suggest you go download The Warm Up and Friday Night Lights (they are free)

I adore Japanese rock Band, SuperCar. I discovered them from one of my favorite anime series Eureka Seven. I randomly decided to watch Eureka 7 and I fell in love with that show, it took about 5 episodes but I fell in love with Eureka 7. Its a beautiful show, both animation and story-wise. The only reason I wanted to watch it at first was because it had giant robots and what not, but something surprising happened. I became invested in the characters, Eureka 7 wasn’t a random action anime, it was a drama/romance with lots of action thrown in of course. I began to genuinely care for the characters I was so impressed with the quality of the story telling in this show. Most people think anime is some nothing but panty up skirts for perverted basement dwelling neck beards, but Eureka 7 proves is proof that anime is more than that.

I could go on about Eureka 7 but I wont. I’ll save that for my “best of Anime 2010” post coming in a few weeks. I’m here to talk about the song Story Writer. The song was frequently played in Eureka 7 during scenes where something bad-ass or awesome happened. This song is energetic and powerful. Supercar brings together influences from Electronic and Rock music and melds it so well, its astounding. The song slowly builds up, you are listening an anticipating the awesomeness that is coming.

This song just makes me happy, it gives me hope, its so inspirational. Its a magnificent song. There was one particular scene the song was used in Eureka 7, it just took my breath away and I’ll admit, I shed a tear. It wasnt so much the song that made me shed a manly tear, it was that scene and the song just helped it along. I’ll get more into that when I spill my love juices all over Eureka 7 in my Best of Anime list.

I cant really talk about it with out getting to into Eureka 7, so I’ll end it here for now.

you might not appreciate it as much as I do, but you can listen to Story Writer HERE

Also, might be worth mentioning that Super Car sadly broke up a while ago, but they left us with 7 or so albums. All of which I have acquired and listened to.

Top notch stuff

Next on the list……


Miss Me by Drizzy Drake featuring Lil Wayne is another summer song highlight of mine. To be honest with you I never really liked this song at first. The only song I loved in Drake’s album was “fancy”. In fact I gave the album a mediocre review at first, but then my cousin convinced me to listen to the entire album again, it was his first time listening to it and he immediately got a huge boner for this song. He loved Miss me, I loved Fancy. He played Miss Me, I played Fancy. Until the very last day of summer I still didn’t like this song, but then I randomly listened to it a couple days after vacation was over and i was just WOW. The amount of memories this song brought back, the nostalgia, not even form years ago, from weeks ago. I was over whelmed. Driving to Six flags with my cousin and his friends, about six or so of us packed into the car among other things I cant remember right now.

The memories this song brought back. All I can do is smile ans shake my head like that one crazy guy on the subway who talks to himself.

The song itself is pretty awesome. The beat is just straight fire. I love both Drake and Wayne’s verses.

Funny/cute story time: you see there is this girl I like and I didn’t know how to break the ice, and she told me she liked Nicki Minaj so I said “I love Nicki Minaj, I hope one day we get married just to say we did it!” and I made the girl laugh (YAY!). Its a good thing I didn’t tell the girl to masturbate to me and learn every song

Miss me is a great song! Fancy is a great song

I love them both, but as it stands Miss Me has more sentimental value to me

you can listen to Fancy HERE and Miss Me HERE

Sleepy head by Passion pit comes in just one spot shy of #10.

I randomly discovered Passion Pit when one of their songs “The Reeling” was being played on MTV one night (Yes I watch MTV from time to time, I”m so ashamed).

I liked The Reeling so I decided to look up Passion Pits other songs. They are a relatively new group, so they only have one album called “Manners” and the four track Extended play released prior to the main album, called “Chunk of change”.

I did a little more digging on the group and discovered their origins, basically lead singer Michael Angelakos wrote and performed the songs on Chunk of Change using his laptop and gave it to his girlfriend as a valentines day present. The relationship eventually came to an end, Chunk of change had gained popularity at his university, eventually members joined him and Passion Pit took off.

Sleepyhead is a beautiful song. I love the passion behind Michaels voice. His voice is so sweet and innocent. Sleepyhead is pure bliss from start to finish. I feel so free when I listen to this song. I always sing it out loud (when not in public of course).

I just cant get past it. Passion Pit is audio euphoria

Do yourself a favor and listen to Sleepyhead HERE, The Reeling HERE, Cuddle Fuddle HERE, I’ve got your Number HERE, Moth’s wings HERE and Eyes as Candles HERE

NOTE: Upon hearing the song you might think he e uses Auto-tune, he doesnt! He overdubs his voice multiple times in the recording to give it that prepubescent schoolboy sound. ( I mean the prepubescent part in a good way)

Thanks for sticking around this long folks. I appreciate you guys taking the time to read my list, seeing as its laden with all forms of conceivable grammatical errors.

I”m writing from the heart!

I hope you are listening to and enjoying these songs

Now the real fun begins. My top 10 songs, #10 -6 tomorrow and the final 5 on Friday.

see you tomorrow!

Trailer Spotlight: Vanishing on 7th street

Yet another trailer for an upcoming movie.

The movie is called Vanishing on 7th Street.

what is the film about you might ask? well….

” A mysterious, seemingly global blackout causes countless populations to simply vanish, leaving only their clothes and possessions behind. A small handful of survivors band together in a dimly-lit tavern on 7th Street, struggling to combat the apocalyptic horror. Realizing they may in fact be the last people on earth, the darkness hones in on them alone.”

Sounds intriguing, and the trailer looks nice. The movie starts Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywaler form the star wars movies) and is set to be in theaters by February 18th.

Young Justice: Todays the day!

Last week Friday was the premier for the brand new cartoon network series Young Justice.

Young Justice focuses on the sidekicks and protégé of some of DC’s superhero. The team is made up of Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Super boy, Aqualad and Artemis.

The one hour season premiere was phenomenal! I enjoyed every minute of it! Keep in mind, this show isn’t a copy of the Teen Titans animated series that recently finished a few years ago, Young Justice takes a serious approach to the DC heroes and abandons Teen Titans anime influences and slap stick comedy. I enjoyed how this show balances dark themes and complex stories for us older viewers, with light-hearted humor to keep the kiddies entertained. The humor never hinders the action and this show is ACTION PACKED to the maximum. I loved the interactions between the characters, particularly Robin and Kid Flash, who seem to be the best of bro’s. The new Aqualad is also a great addition to the team as well as the recently awakened clone Super boy.

Over all this is a great show, comparable to the Justice League animated series in art, animation, characters and story telling. I’m intrigued to see more of these side kicks stepping into the fore front and becoming heroes in their own right. Young Justice is an excellent animated series that can be enjoyed by anyone from a comics fan, to a causal viewer and of course kids who will see the show and want their parents to buy the toys. The series continues in January! I can’t wait

(added a video of the first few minutes from the show below)