Music Spotlight: Moment 4 Life

Recently I had been having some little, personal and not so important issue with Nicki Minaj’s lyrics.. Not that they’re bad, but they didn’t quite go well with my lyrical taste buds.
At a point, I was beginning to shun her songs, or give half of my attention to them… that was until I watched the video of this song.

The beginning was what got me completely. Fairy Godmother, and a nice Godchild to boot? Sweet. Godchild calling Godmother bitch? SWEEEEET. Take note, I don’t condone or encourage violence or profanity, but sudden jolts like this just sort of tickle my fancy in a very child-like manner.
My only issue with the song is Drake, and while people are DEFINITELY going to jab at me for saying this (I’m looking at you Wande), I’ll still go on and say it. I have a problem with Drake’s part, it doesn’t go quite well with every other part of the song. His part sort of kills the tempo, I mean.. Nicki puts so much energy describing the long road to this moment and how they (or we) are at the brink of success, and Drake’s talking about haters catching the bouquet after he’s married to Nicki (unless I didn’t get that part right, either way it’s someone marrying Nicki).

Besides that, it’s very girly and brings out this particular vibe in Nicki that I wouldn’t mind (for once) seeing girls that I know trying to copy it from time to time… TIME to TIME not as a hobby gaddamnit!
*cough*Eh-hmm.. Nicki Minaj, Moment 4 Life..

not our song, but of course you know that

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About PC

Let there be bread... And then the ducks quacked.

4 responses to “Music Spotlight: Moment 4 Life”

  1. Funmi says :

    I really am on the fence with Nicki. I like her attitude but I hate her music. Something about her just irritates me. Especially all this multiple personality crap… And her British accent sounds like she jacked it from some character in Oliver… Noone speaks like that (well unless they plan to annoy). She is a funny girl though and she’s quite smart but her music persona is annoying.

    • Phylix says :

      Well true, her British accent could make you grit your teeth into carbonated powder, but according to her story the different personalities stem from her youth days when her parents kept fighting and all.
      She made-up different personalities to escape from the drama of it all… and it’s sort of influenced her music. As for her music, well…

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