Archive | December 4, 2010

Relax and Laugh

Today is Saturday (obviously), and it’s afternoon over here (obvious also). That doesn’t mean you can’t smile, or even better laugh. Why don’t you relax then and enjoy?

I give you these, courtesy of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things

The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning

Well Well, 2010 is over. Its December, its the beginning of the end.

To me, 2011 will be a new beginning. A chance for me to do something new, reinvent myself, right my wrongs, change my ways.

I have a list of New Years resolutions, most of these will take effort and resilience to accomplish, but you know what, I have forged a strong resolve and I’m already looking forward to next year. All thats left for this year is to reflect on the year that was…


Happy December folks!


Dancing Silhouettes in December: Music

Its finally here. The beginning of the end, The final lap of the year 2010. We at Dancing Silhouettes have a lot to be thankful for this year. We launched a blog, with our writers Detanfy and Phlylix consistently providing you, dear reader with entertaining in a “simple yet artistic way”.

I knew it was a great idea to assimilate those two into the collective.

Our writers feel the need to reflect on the year that was and share their favorite things of the year with you, whether it be music, movies, anime. Detanfy and Phylix want you to know what defined their year and take a little trip down memory lane with them.

We are going to set apart the entire month to reflect on the year that was, listing out our favorite events from the year. Everything from Music to movies, Video games to celeb scandals.

The First full week of December is best of Music week.
We dedicate the entire week to our favorite songs of 2010, not the best songs or songs that only came out in 2010, but our writers favorite songs. Its going to be a top 25 count down, starting from Monday with numbers 25-21 and ending on Friday with numbers 5-1 and honorable mentions on Saturday. Both Detanfy and Phylix will be giving you their unique, individual lists. Along with this, Detanfy also promises to reveal to you how he “acquires” music from the internet and an interesting look at the current situation with mainstream music.

We will reveal further December plans in the coming days, for now look forward to our music lists starting Monday!

Dancing Silhouettes

Yet another PSP phone video


seems the PSP phone is inching closer to a release. Lets hope the steady flow of leaked videos continues until we get the real thing.